Website Design

What’s Included?

5 Custom Pages

Create an impactful online presence with five custom-designed website pages tailored to your brand, all built using the user-friendly platform Squarespace. If you need less than 5 pages, rest assured, I will make pricing adjustments to accommodate your needs.

Desktop & Mobile Formats

Whether your audience prefers desktop or mobile, I’ve got you covered for both platforms.

Training Session

A 1-hour training session with step-by-step instructions for updating your website. A recording will be sent after the session, so you will have it on hand for future reference - a must to keep your website up-to-date!


Additional Website Pages

If you need additional website pages, no problem. Just let me know your requirements!

Custom Launch Graphics

If you need custom graphics to showcase your new website - either for social media, email announcements, or any other promotional materials, I've got you covered.

Custom Brand Identity

Pair with my Custom Brand Identity service to help you achieve maximum results by creating a cohesive and memorable brand experience for your audience.